A woman storyteller’s cool way to spend time in Sanchome

着物を着て、座りながら漫談をするという女性がいる。漫談家の新山真理だ。女性でこのスタイルを行なうのは全国でひとりなのだという。彼女は寄席の出番が終わると、ふらりと街へ繰り出す。お酒好きな彼女は、ふだんからよくバーに足を運び、ひとりゆったりと飲んでいる。今日はこれからどこに向かうのか? 漫談家の粋な三丁目での過ごし方に迫る。

There is a woman in a sitting position wearing a kimono telling a story. That is Mari Niiyama, a woman storyteller. She is said to be the one and only woman storyteller in this style in the Kanto region. After finishing her performance, she goes out alone to rove the streets. She often goes to bars and has fun drinking leisurely on her own. Where is she heading for tonight? We focus on her cool way to spend time in Sanchome.



Woman Storyteller】
The One and Only Woman Storyteller in the Kanto Region
Her Cool Way to Spend Time in Sanchome Grabbing a Drink after a Performance


There is a woman in a sitting position wearing a kimono telling a story. That is Mari Niiyama, a woman storyteller. She is said to be the one and only woman storyteller in this style in the Kanto region. She is a member of the Hawaiian band “Aloha Mandalers” which is composed of various kinds of storytellers. She sings, plays the ukulele and even emcees. After finishing her performance, she goes out alone to rove the streets.




She first headed for “KOHAKU” located right behind the Suehirotei, while saying, “I feel more comfortable and happier being alone than drinking with boring people.” She hops onto She first headed for “KOHAKU” located right behind the Suehirotei, while saying, “I feel more comfortable and happier being alone than drinking with boring people.” She hops onto a bar stool and places an order. “Can I have sparkling wine to begin with?” No wonder her talk is always interesting and she makes everyone feel so relaxed. Yes, she is a professional storyteller. She gulps down the sparkling wine while chatting with the bar manager and regulars and reaches out for the second glass which already is in front of her.


Leaving “KOHAKU” behind, she was back on Suehiro Street walking around to look for the next bar. Getting close to the Suehirotei, she is hailed from here, there and everywhere. I can tell she regularly goes bar-hopping every time she has a job here. Mari, dressed in a kimono, naturally blends in. What a great match a kimono and Suehiro Street is. I wonder if this is due to the storytellers’ culture which is attributed to the Suehirotei.

グランスール A-4




A lot of bars on Suehiro Street are lighted up, so even a woman can walk in easily on her own. A bar with a friendly manager like the one she visited tonight is especially perfect for a woman who likes to grab a drink alone. I realized that while accompanying her. Why don’t you come to Suehiro Street when you are in the mood for a drink? If you see a woman in a kimono, she might be the storyteller, Mari Niiyama, who is looking for a perfect place for drinking on her own.