A former noted PR manager of THE NORTH FACE, reunites after some twenty years with the owner of the bar
in Sanchome where she used to work part-time!!
In her early twenties, she knocked on the door of “ESPA”, a long-established bar in Shinjuku Sanchome which is a gathering spot for writers, journalists and theater people. Working part-time there led her to become a bar manager in Shinjuku Golden Gai. After working in the nightlife area for years, she found herself becoming a renowned PR manager of a famous company. Tonight, she reunites with the owner of ESPA after twenty some years.

The prominent former spokesperson of THE NORTH FACE visits the bar where she used to work part-time and reunites with its owner after some twenty years!!
Suehiro Street in Shinjuku Sanchome is one of the most prestigious nightlife quarters in Tokyo. It has a long history of its own as well.
Yukiko Ozawa (Yukko), who was working part-time hard here some twenty years ago, is now busy working as a member of the operating division of THE NORTH FACE. Going out for a stroll on Suehiro Street in the early evening ……

Her career is interesting. She started a part-time job here at the bar ESPA in her early twenties and that led her to become a bar manager in Shinjuku Golden Gai. After working there day and night for a little over two years, she accepted a job at Goldwin. Then she moved to THE NORCE FACE to become a renowned PR manager and now she is in charge of product development there. The bar manager in Golden Gai found herself working hard for a big-name company. She feels no gap between these totally different jobs though. It seems that the thing is whether she can find joy in the job or the job gives her joy.

末広通り商店会での取材となれば、おもしろい人知っています! と、とある編集部での話。
しかも、ESPAのママとはバイトを辞めて以来、20数年も会っていないのだとか! これは、なにかが起こりそうな予感。



ついに再会! ESPAのママ、さとこさんとゆっこの20数年ぶりの邂逅である。ESPAを辞めてからノース・フェイスの仕事に掛かりっきりだったゆっこは、気になりつつも一度も3丁目に足を踏み入れたことはなかったそう。でも、この20年のギャップは、グラスの心地よい響きとともに一気に埋まっていったようだ。さとこさんも当時を懐かしみ、忘れていたことも次々と思い出されていく。「それにしてもママ、変わらないですよ」「あなただって!」と、安物の小説にも出てきそうなセリフがまんま当て嵌まっていたりして。
Yukko was a bit nervous about seeing Satoko-san, the owner of ESPA, but a glass of beer immediately filled the gap of twenty years. They both feel nostalgia for the good old days and recall everything they had forgotten while chatting. “Anyway, you haven’t changed a bit.” “You, neither ! ” Their words were just like clichés you might find in a dime novel.

「ところでなんで私はあのとき、ゴールデン街に行くことになったんですか?」「そんなの、覚えてないわよ! でも、あのころはあなたたち女の子が多かったから、お客もたくさんで毎日楽しかったわよねー」なんて、微妙な会話を味わいつつ……ゆっこ曰く、並んでいるお酒の種類は変わったけれど雰囲気は当時のままで、古びたカウンターの傷ひとつにも懐かしさがこみ上げてくる様子。聞けば、ESPAは開店から37年も経っているそう。さとこママはじつは女優業をやっていたこともあるそうで、当時からママ目当てのお客も多かった様子。なんと驚いたのは、この日も古い馴染みのオジサマがゆっこのことをおぼろげに覚えていたこと。「え~、歴代バイトのひとりでしょ !?」なんて、3丁目の夜はこうやって受け継がれていくのでしょう。
ESPA is a long- established bar that opened thirty-seven years ago. A night memory is engraved in each scratch on the bar counter, and the ambience of the bar remains the same as it was back then. Of course, her customers are aging now. To my surprise, an elderly regular vaguely remembered Yukko that night. “Oh? You are one of the part-timers of the past, aren’t you?” The night in Sanchome will go on and on in this way.
Our time visiting in ESPA is part of the priceless Sanchome culture, an essential component of Suehiro Street. I was convinced that night amid the coronavirus pandemic that we must not let it go the way of the dodo.
