【営業時間】昼の部 12:00~16:30、夜の部 17:00~21:00、土曜 21:30~23:00(深夜寄席)
落語や講談、漫才やマジックなどの演芸を、一年中楽しめる演芸場 ! 提灯や幟、芸人さんの名前が書かれた札は、眺めているだけでワクワクします。ふかふかのイス席と、靴を脱いでくつろげる桟敷席(畳の席)があるので、足の疲れ具合で変えてもいいかも。土曜21: 30からの「深夜寄席」は1,000円と格安です。

【Open】 Matinee 12:00~16:30, Evening 17:00~21:00, Saturday 21:30~23:00 (Midnight Yose)
【Closed】 Dec. 30, 31
【Seats】 298
General 3,000 yen、
Senior(over 65 years old) 2,700 yen、
Student・Club member 2,500 yen、
Elementary school student 2,200 yen
Fantastic theater where you can enjoy the entertainment such as Rakugo, Mandan, Manzai, and magic show all year round ! You’ll be happy just in being able to see the lanterns, streamers, and name charms of the performers. They have soft and fluffy chairs, and tatami seats so that you can take off your shoes and relax. Switch the seats when your feet get tired.”
“Midnight Yose” starting 21:30 on Saturday is reasonable price at 1,000yen.