【営業時間】 月~土11:30~23:00(L.O. 22:30)、日・祝11:30~21:30(L.O. 21:00)

【Open】 Monday〜Saturday 11:30 〜 23:00 (Last order 22:30)、Sunday・Holiday 11:30 〜 21:30 (Last order 21:00)
【Closed】 New Year’s holiday (December 31〜January 3)
【Seats】 86
【Price】 Lunch 1,000 yen / Dinner 3,000 yen
Since the beginning of Showa era, Shinjuku Sakae Sushi has been marking the passage of time over 80 years as an inexpensive, delicious sushi shop from the customer’s perspective. We purchase fresh ingredients carefully selected from the sushi chef and we offer sushi that makes everybody satisfies. We renovated three years ago. Baby beds and baby chairs are provided in the restroom so children are welcome.